
November Overview is now online

November 16, 2020 – Volume 23, Issue 11

NKT Starts Work on Project “Superlink”, Wins Long Term Agreement with Ellevio and Completes HVAC Power Link

Stadtwerke München Infrastrukur has now started the first stage of the development of project “SuperLink”, which will be the longest superconducting cable line when finalized. NKT is one of the key partners in the development phase of the innovative project. NKT and six other partners now start the prototype development of the superconducting power cable technology, which will be specially designed to the city of Munich, Germany. SuperLink is a project for the future and when the technology has been developed and the project tendered, it is expected to become a 12 km underground power link, which will be the longest superconducting power cable solution in the world. For NKT, the ambitious project is an important indication about the future potential of superconducting power cables.

Read the complete Overview online