
Turning Recycling into Circularity

Christian Andersson, Natalia Lykova – NKT A/S

In the 1960s, with no environmental requirements, nor regulations, NKT A/S, located in Brøndby, Denmark, pioneered the first methods to recycle cable scrap. And for more than 50 years has developed best practice processes for cable scrap recycling. And the legacy of cable scrap recycling continues at NKT to this day, ensuring the re-use of materials along with the sustainable disposal of nonrecyclable cable components.
The need for recycling of production scrap from power cables has increased steadily over the years, reflecting our society’s increased focus on re-use of the resources.

All of the production scrap from NKT A/S’ cable production sites in Asnaes, Denmark and Falun, Sweden, is sent for recycling to be reprocessed.

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