ArticlesEmphasisFeaturedRod Production

Always Looking Forward, Always a Step Ahead

by Giuseppe Marcantoni, Continuus-Properzi SpA 

Continuus-Properzi pioneered the process of continuous casting and rolling of nonferrous wire rod in the late 1940s. Within the next 10 years, Properzi aluminum wire rod lines were acquired and utilized by the most important aluminum companies of that era including Pechiney, General CableAnaconda Wire, Universal Cables, Southwire, Essex, AlcanOlex, etc., located in various parts of the world including Europe, North America, Asia, South America and Australia.

In the early 1960s, Properzi delivered the first two continuous casting and rolling lines for copper rod—one in the USA and one in Russia. This disruptive technology rendered the Properzi name synonymous with Continuous Casting and Rolling (CCR) Lines and established Continuus-Properzi as the leading global supplier for nonferrous wire rod lines. To date, we have well over 300 wire rod lines operating in approximately 60 countries throughout the world.

Our largest markets are aluminum and copper. We provide complete wire rod production systems from the furnace set to the coiler, from the equipment hardware to the automation and controls, from the technological know-how to all the required ancillary support systems. In this article, we would like to highlight some of the equipment that is engineered, designed, and manufactured by our Furnaces & Combustion Division. 

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