ArticlesEmphasisFeaturedRod Production

Wire Rod Coils for International Transport

by Thilo Sagerman, SMS group GmbH

Turkish steel manufacturer, Kardemir (Karabük Demir Çelik Fabrikalari A.S.), based in Karabük, has placed an order with SMS group for the replacement of selected key components of its wire rod mill. The wire rod mill to be modernized is part of the SBQ (Special Bar Quality) plant supplied by SMS group in 2013, which has an output of 700,000 tons of bar steel, bar-in-coil and wire rod every year.

The aim of the wire rod mill modernization is to manufacture more compact coils specifically for transport and container shipping. The packing density at the steel plant will be improved thanks to the new ring distribution system. The outside diameter of the coils will be reduced from 1.080 mm to 1.040 mm. And in order to ensure that the coil height remains unchanged, the inside diameter will be reduced from 850 mm to 820 mm.

The scope of the modernization by SMS group GmbH includes a loop laying head, a coil forming chamber, a new laying pipe holder and a laying pipe with new diameter as well as the automation system for the new coil forming area. The modernized automation system will be integrated into the overall automation system of the SBQ plant.

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