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Efficient Quality Control at the End of the CV Line

Ningbo Orient uses X-RAY 8700 NXT from SIKORA AG, Bremen, Germany, ion order to ensure accurate cold measuring values in CV lines.

For a continuous and reliable quality control at the production of medium, high and extra-high-voltage cables as well submarine cables in CV lines, SIKORA’s X-RAY 8000 product family has set standards with more than 1500 devices sold worldwide. The systems provide their users with precise and reliable measurements of concentricity, wall thickness, diameter and ovality as well as by controlling cables with up to three layers.

Many submarine cable manufacturers such as the Chinese company, Ningbo Orient, rely on X-ray devices from SIKORA for quality control in CV lines. In addition, producers of power cables benefit from the final quality control as it ensures the highest quality of the cables delivered to their customers.

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