
One Versatile Metal Shielding Technology for Many Applications

by Thomas Kulmer, Rosendahl Nextrom GmbH

New metal tape forming and welding technology processes copper, aluminum, stainless steel and alloys, all on the same production line.

What if you could process copper, aluminum, stainless steel, and alloys, all on the same production line? With Rosendahl’s powerful RH-W metal tape forming and welding line, you can do just that. No need to limit yourself to one metal anymore. That opens up many possibilities for high and extra-high voltage cable manufacturers.

The extremely versatile metal shielding technology provided by Rosendahl covers a very wide range of product designs. Basically, almost every cable that needs protective metal shielding can be produced on the original Rosendahl RH-W metal tape forming and welding line. The fields of application are just as wide-ranging and include land, submarine or underground use, renewable energy systems, inter-connectors, ducts and more.

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