
Highest Quality & Final Quality Assurance of Submarine Cables Ensured

by Katja Giersch, SIKORA AG

The world is facing a number of challenges today, one of which is energy transition. For this to succeed, submarine cables of the highest quality are needed, among other things, to transport electricity from offshore wind farms over greater distances to the mainland. The Chinese manufacturer, Qingdao Hanlan, therefore relies on SIKORA’s measuring and control devices of the X-RAY 8000 device series for quality control in its CV lines.
Once a submarine cable is defective, repair is very time consuming and cost intensive. The affected area has to be located, the cable excavated and lifted, the defective area cut out and replaced by repair pieces with cable joints before the cable bundle is finally buried again on the seabed. Against this background, continuous quality assurance in the manufacturing process is essential. Therefore, many manufacturers rely on SIKORA’s X-RAY 8000 product family, which is the worldwide standard with more than 1800 installed devices in CV lines. The systems measure inline the different cable parameters of medium, high and extra-high-voltage cables with up to three different layers and thus ensure that the required specifications are met.

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